This is evidence muslims / islam our taking over every area of America - with this evidence presented it is a wakeup call to those who are asleep. news added here to show the reader what is going on - due too so much is lost in the news. Being so many Refugees are hitting Europe I will be adding this news also (-->because America it will hit you next<--)
America In The Bible - Steven Grant
You may not think of America the same way after reading this book. For Christians, and for patriots who have loved America but didn’t know why, this is a book for you
Of course, the article does not say what kind of surgery these boys needed, but everybody knows where. These are Muslim men raping Muslim boys. If this is how Muslims treat the children from people who belong to the same
The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl in Moscow and waving her severed head outside a Metro station told journalists before a court hearing that ‘Allah ordered’ her to murder the child. Article reposted with
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016 - 19:25
A wave of sexual assaults allegedly perpetrated by men of “Arab and North African origin” caused Europe to cast aspersions starting in January. No longer were these “victims” fleeing the type of carnage that tragically befell Paris in November, they were suddenly transplants from a barbarous culture whose attitude towards women was outdated by hundreds of years.
/ 'Islam hates us': Donald Trump makes ANOTHER controversial anti-Muslim remark in interview with Anderson Cooper
Who Is To Blame For The Rape Epidemic That Is Sweeping Across Europe?
Millions of women in Europe are now deathly afraid to walk outside their own homes at night, and with each passing day more news reports of absolutely horrific rapes and sexual assaults come pouring in from all over the continent. So who is to blame for this epidemic of rape? I think that the answer might surprise you, because a very famous politician in the United States is at least partially responsible. But first, let’s examine why women all over Europe are living in such fear right now. I have written previously about this rape epidemic, but since that time it has gotten even worse. At this point, this plague is even affecting small towns in the far northern portions of the continent. For example, just consider what is happening in a small town in northern Sweden known as Ostersund… (Read More....)
Hungarian Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér announced in Budapest on Wednesday that Hungary is officially in a “state of emergency” because of the migrant crisis and has called up thousands of troops to the border with Romania.
Philip Haney: How Jihadists Justify Murder
Philip Haney joined Rick Wiles on the Friday edition of
TRUNEWS to explain the mindset of jihadists, and how they justify murder
using the Quran. The whistleblower from the Department of Homeland
Security discussed the power of words, and how the Obama
Administration’s terror policy is not focused on law enforcement, but
instead on the civil rights and liberties of Muslims.
Two wealthy Texas Muslims have been found guilty of
engaging in forced labor or two “servants,” otherwise known as slaves.
However, the judge in the case was told that to punish them would amount
to nothing more that
The “refugee children” took everything from her, including her purse, her phone, her credit cards, her money, and anything else they could get their hands on.
Row upon on row of neat little ‘chalets’, built by a local mayor
and a charity against the will of the French government. The new camp
in Dunkirk, Northern France is certainly more ordered than the Calais
‘Jungle’, but it will probably serve precisely the same purpose.
In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street.
It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the
“MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco.
find it “mean-spirited” that Melanie Nezer wants to subject your
community to refugees from countries that hate us—she was among the
first to demand Obama admit 100,000 Syrians this year in spite of an FBI
Church World Service head honcho, THE Reverend John
McCullough finds it “offensive” that you, citizens in towns across
America, should have any say in who they seed into your towns.
Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM signing cooperation agreement with new UNHCR Filippo Grandi.
By Servando Gonzalez February 23, 2016
When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is sending a clear message. It no longer trusts its citizens with guns because such a government has evil plans. — George Washington
A few days ago I saw a couple of fair-skinned young middle class Americans doing their normal shopping at a supermarket. She was blonde. Both of them were smiling. He was carrying an AR-15 on a sling. She had a shopping list in her left hand and in her right hand a AR-15 semi auto rifle she had selected from the many rifles and pistols available in the store’s shelves, apparently with the intention of adding it to the hand grenades, M-16s and a carton of milk they already had in their shopping cart.
Where did I see this couple? On the December 14, 2015 cover of The New Yorker magazine.
This tendentious, disinformative, deceitful cover is not a mistake or accident. It evidences the current mindset of the Invisible Government of the United States as reflected in the mainstream media they fully control. The New Yorker’s cover depicts not what it is but what the CFR conspirators and their minions in the U.S. government and the mainstream press would like it to be.
In the minds of America’s domestic enemies in the U.S. government and the mainstream press, these young middle class of fair-skinned Americans, most likely Christians, were the ones who should have assaulted commando-style the social services center in San Bernardino where people, including a young, nice Muslim couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, would have been peacefully having a party in a room with copies of the Koran on every table. The Christian fanatics, faithfully depicted in The New Yorker’s cover, systematically would have killed 14 unarmed people and wounded 21. Later, the police would have found they also had at home copies of the Bible and the U.S. Constitution, as well as 12 pipe bombs, tools to make explosives, and over 4,500 rounds of ammunition. And this couple of terrorist Christians would have bought all these guns, ammo and explosives at their local supermarket.
Had this been the case, the CFR puppet in the White House would have immediately condemned the attack as a hate crime, calling it a case of terrorism, and announced his plans to sign an executive order banning Christians from owning any type of guns — according to Obama Christianity is a religion of hate. The impostor at the White House would have even hinted at the possibility of depriving Christians of their U.S. citizenship, interning them into reeducation camps and expelling from the country the recalcitrant ones who refused reeducation.
Unfortunately, despite all efforts from the U.S. government and the mainstream media, life does not always go according to the CFR conspirators’ plans and the wishes of their minions in the U.S. government. Nevertheless, when life refuses to back their distorted views, they use the corrupt presstitutes on their payrolls to change life — at least changing it in the American sheeple’s brainwashed minds by using untruthful covers like the one that appeared in The New Yorker.
Why is the U.S. government[1] so reluctant to fight Muslim terrorists on American soil and abroad? Why is our government secretly supporting them with money and materiel? Why does the U.S. government not want to see who the real terrorists in America and the Middle East are?[2]
The answer is very simple: because Muslim terrorists have never been a problem for the globalist conspirators who secretly control the U.S. government. Actually, Muslim terrorists, mostly a U.S. government creation, have become a useful tool in the hands of the CFR globalists in their role of terrorizing the people into accepting a world government as the only solution to eliminate terrorism. To the CFR globalist conspirators the real enemy is not fanatical terrorists but the American (and now the Russian) people who refuse to get terrorized.
Want to see proof of it? Here it is from the horse’s mouth.
A U.S. Department of Homeland Security report of 16 March 2009 (unclassified, but for official use only) prepared by the DHS’ Strategic Analysis Group and the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division, “Domestic Extremism Lexicon,” makes it very clear who the enemies of the Secret Government of the U.S. truly are.[3]
According to the Report, if one is to believe the Department of Homeland Security and the Southern Poverty Law Center who provided most of the research data for it, the main terrorist threat in America today is not militant Islam but Christian “fundamentalists,” Oath Keepers, Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, Tea Partiers, 2nd Amendment supporters, “Constitutionalists,” abortion opponents and everybody who does not accept the lies advanced by CFR agents infiltrated in the U.S. government.
Paradoxically, despite their constant claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution, “conservative” Republicans have always been eager to justify the trashing of the Constitution — provided the trashers are members of the Republican Party. They loved it when George W. Bush approved the Patriot Act, one of the most antipatriotic laws ever signed by an American President, after having been passed without even a perfunctory reading by a Congress with a Republican majority.
I fully understand why Democrats who hate this country re-elected Jerry Brown as governor of California. What is difficult to understand, however, is why Arizona Republicans keep reelecting John McCain to the U.S. Senate. CFR member McCain has shown many times his hatred for this country. While in Congress, he has supported almost every anti-American law ever conceived. His latest act of treachery is his support for the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill later signed into law by Obama.
When, following the CFR conspirators’ orders, George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security, allegedly to protect the U.S. against terrorism, and began curtailing individual liberties, most of his Republican followers backed him. They approved the creation of the DHS, they claimed, because they themselves were not terrorists and had nothing to hide.
If John McCain and George W. Bush are true conservative Republicans, please count me out!
Very soon some of these “conservative” Republicans who love Bush and McCain are going to learn the hard way what everybody who has lived under a totalitarian dictatorship knows very well: a terrorist is anybody the government accuses of being a terrorist, and anything you have in your home, from gardening books to dog food, not to mention a Bible, a copy of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or — heaven forbid — a firearm, can be construed as a proof that you are a right-wing extremist and a dangerous potential terrorist actively conspiring against the government.
A totalitarian America is an old, cherished dream of the CFR globalist conspirators and their minions on both the Left and the Right, and this is not he first time they have given it a try. When at the end of WWII General William Donovan (CFR), following orders from the CFR conspirators, urged the conversion of the Office of Special Services into a central intelligence agency, the public outcry stopped him short. Some critics rightly pointed out that America did not need a Gestapo.[4]
Eventually, the conspirators succeeded in the creation of the CIA, but some true patriots managed to include a provision that the new intelligence agency could not operate inside U.S. territory. But the conspirators are patient, and eventually have made their cherished dream a reality: Finally, they have created a government agency whose only purpose is to legally harass the American patriots who oppose the destruction of their country.
This agency is none other than the Department of Homeland Security, a true American Gestapo.
The creation, under the pretense of fighting terrorism, of a government agency to repress dissidence is wrong, whoever, liberal or conservative, created it. Therefore, We the People of the United States should demand the immediate elimination of this repressive organization that has no place whatsoever in a free representative Republic.
The CFR brainwashers have created the notion, repeated over and over by Hitlary and the mainstream media presstitutes, that Donald Trump’s criticism of Muslim terrorists has turned him into a recruiter for ISIS. Well, if the National Rifle Association had a sense of humor, they should make Obama an honorary member of the NRA. Every time Obama mentions his plans to sign more gun control laws, gun sales skyrocket and the NRA membership grows. The least they should do is to express their gratitude to him.
Muslim Brotherhood angry at Cruz legislation declaring them terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood is expressing anger and condemnation at presidential candidate and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) for a bill they introduced to Congress. The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday cleared the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, as reported by Breitbart. “The Muslim Brotherhood’s embrace of terrorism and the very real /
Militant Islam is a Poison and Danger to Free Speech Worldwide (TRUNEWS) NASHVILLE, TN — The poison spread by militant Islam must be halted to protect free speech and bring peace in the Middle East, Christian leaders were told Tuesday evening during Proclaim 16, the National Religious Broadcasters’ International Christian Media Convention. Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer and Fox News legal analyst Jeanine Pirro offered those warnings during / Bob Unruh on Marine banned from Graduation via muslim teachings at school
EU launches emergency refugee aid scheme for Greece The European Union, faced with a burgeoning refugee crisis in Greece, launched a new aid program on Wednesday worth an initial 700 million euros that mirrors the kind of disaster relief it offers developing nations. As European states have closed borders following the arrival of nearly a million migrants by sea from Turkey last year,
Migrants in Greece are set to be handed envelopes of cash under a £550million EU disaster fund announced yesterday. Above, refugees and migrants wait at the borders between Greece and Macedonia
Don Barnett, a resident of Tennessee, is a longtime expert on the US Refugee Admissions Program, and is a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.
I urge all of you to be on the lookout for a similar attempt being made in your towns to use globalists’ grant money to put the business community in concert with the Leftist do-gooders to change your community and to work against your interests. /
Problems with their Muslim Uighurs is one reason China is not eager to invite more Islamists to China.
The rift over how to handle Europe’s immigration crisis ripped wide open Friday. As nations along the Balkans migrant route took more unilateral actions to shut down their borders, diplomats from EU nations bordering the Mediterranean rallied around Greece, the epicenter of the crisis.